CONFORM – Consulenza, Formazione e Management S.c.a.r.l. has been operating since 1995 at a national and international level, promoting research projects, training plans, with traditional classroom, experiential, e-learning and educational videogame formats, providing consultancy and technical assistance activities for businesses and public administrations, drafting traditional communication plans and those with the use of new media, audio-visual and cinematographic productions, creating VR, AR and MR and AI solutions, developing gamification and game-based marketing strategies, with the support of expert employees, a team of trainers, consultants, managers and entrepreneurs, and a wide network of public and private partner organisations, such as universities, schools, research and skill centres, Chambers of Commerce, SMEs, large companies, employers’ and non-profit associations.
CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. is an Innovative SME registered since 2023 in the specific, special section of the Business Register, services sector, that offers solutions that apply augmented technologies (AR, VR and MR) and creates platforms for the use of multimedia content that promotes and valorises the cultural heritage, or to analyse skills and recommend learning objects aimed at filling the gaps identified, that are governed by AI algorithms and use sentiment and emotion analysis.
For further information, consult the dedicated page of the Company Register: click here
CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. is:
- accredited for higher and continuing training in the Campania Region and continuing training in the Veneto Region;
- accredited for the provision of employment services in the Veneto Region;
- registered in the National Research Registry;
- certified: ISO 9001:2015 – Sector EA35 and EA37, for the design and delivery of vocational and managerial training courses, coaching training courses, distance learning with multimedia tools, management consultancy and orientation services.
- certified ISO 9001: 2015 – EA39 sector, for the production of cinematographic and audio-visual products
- ISO 14001:2015 certified for the Environmental Management System, IAF/EA Sector: 35, 37, 39
- ISO 45001:2018 certified for the Health and Safety Management System, IAF/EA Sector: 35, 37, 39
- UNI/PDR 125:2022 certified for gender equality reference practices

Over the years CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. has gained significant experience:
- in the implementation of more than 10 national and international research projects
- in the implementation of more than 800 Training Projects/Plans, with over 110 million hours delivered; approximately 10,000 course editions held in person, via videoconference, in experiential and e-learning modes; over 1,000 client companies, approximately 100,000 beneficiaries trained, to acquire/develop the skills required by the labour market (young high school graduates and/or University graduates) and/or consolidate/professionalize those implemented by employees, managers, entrepreneurs and professionals (Discover our training experience);
- in the development and application of innovative teaching methodologies (Discover our offer on Edutainment)
- in the production of learning solutions enriched with video training pills, micro-learning objects, narrative branching scenarios, animated simulations, educational video games, episodes of interactive training web series, episodes of Educational TV Programmes, also conveyed through the recommendation algorithms of an AI-Based skills assessment system (Discover our experience in Production Services)
- in audio-visual and cinematographic productions, applying land marketing and corporate storytelling techniques to promote and communicate corporate brands, recount the story of territories, convey values and traditions, capable of arousing curiosity, involving, informing and training (Discover our experience in audio-visual and cinematographic production)
- in the design and creation of 360° interactive Virtual Tours, Mobile Apps, App Challenges in Augmented Reality (AR) and Artificial Intelligence, Hologram, Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR), Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Solutions Learning (DL), augmented publishing content and game-based business solutions. (Discover our experience in Production Services)
- in consultancy and technical assistance activities for businesses and the public administration, providing digital and social media marketing, digital brand identity, promo-communication, territorial marketing, management and organizational consultancy services for the evolution of company functions, the innovation of products and work processes and assistance in the internationalization process (Discover our experience in Consulting Services)
Download the CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. Institutional Brochure with additional content in augmented reality!

Over the years, CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. has paid significant attention to the areas of industrial and experimental research, with participation in numerous regional, national and community research projects, with particular reference to the development of new models to promote and valorise the cultural, material and industrial intangible heritage, through the conception, development and implementation of AR augmented technological solutions, VR, MR, Artificial Intelligence solutions that use ML and DL algorithms, innovative interactive and gaming methods, capable of:
- narrating works and places to allow people to “experience” a cultural, intellectual and emotional experience capable of satisfying tastes and needs profiled by target audience (adolescents, adults, experts)
- identifying models and communication channels to be used to facilitate the representation and management of knowledge
- pursuing a multi-disciplinary approach, where art, technology, new interaction models and innovative communication techniques amplify the cultural message and trigger innovative usage mechanisms
- applying multimedia recommendations and storytelling techniques, to personalize the creation of content according to users’ needs and preferences, encouraging their engagement.
For further information on the research activities carried out by CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. , consult some of the main projects carried out:
- 4I – Mixed Reality, Machine Learning, Gamification And Educational For Industry (Learn more)
- ANEMA – Avvicinarsi a Napoli con Esperienze Multicanali Aumentate (Getting closer to Naples with Augmented Multichannel Experiences) (Learn more)
- VASARI – VAlorizzazione Smart del Patrimonio ARtistico delle città Italiane (Smart valorisation of the artistic heritage of Italian cities) (Learn more)
- REMIAM – Rete di Musei Intelligenti ad Alta Multimedialità (Network of Intelligent Museums with High Multimedia) (Learn more)
- AMI – Advanced Modalities of Interaction (Learn more)
- CHIS – Cultural Heritage Information System (Learn more)

CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. provides a wide range of training courses based on the originality of the solutions and teaching strategies adopted and on complete and multidisciplinary learning contents, aimed both at the professional qualification of the underemployed and the unemployed, and at the continuing updating and development of skills of the employees of small, medium and large companies and of the Public Administration, guaranteeing technical assistance for the search for benefits, training provision, organizational management, physical and financial monitoring and reporting.
For more information, check out our courses for employees and managers!
Watch the Video: TRAINING
In the digital era, CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. is paying particular attention to the continuous improvement of training with the application of innovative solutions, also thanks to the use of new technologies, capable of interesting, engaging and involving people in dynamic, interactive and game based training situations.
To understand the training approach adopted by CONFORM S.c.a.r.l.
watch the video tutorials dedicated to:

CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. supports companies in the search for concessions, helping them to choose the opportunities most consistent with their specific needs and guarantees technical-consultancy support from the initial assessment of organizational and training needs, to the design of business and/or individual plans, the provision of courses with qualified teachers, the physical and financial monitoring of the activities carried out, the supervision of administrative and documentary aspects and the reporting of expenses incurred for the implementation of the funded initiatives.
For more information on CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. ‘s technical assistance for financed training, visit the website page!

CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. has, for years, guaranteed a broad multidisciplinary experiential training offer, aimed at entrepreneurs, managers, employees and professionals, based on learning capable of providing a unique experience, a mix of emotions, techniques and examples contextualized in the corporate experience, through innovative initiatives that:
- range between metaphors of different nature (e.g.: from rugby to football, from music to cooking, from orienteering to sailing, from corporate theatre to audio-visual and/or cinematographic corporate storytelling, etc.) and skills such as leadership, team building, negotiation, problem solving and decision making;
- combine social opportunities among art, culture, food and wine, history and traditions, with educational sessions based on metaphors embodied in places unique for the immense heritage they preserve, an expression of an extraordinary millennial history and of the strength of the contemporaneity of the country of Italy, through evocative industrial brands, style and fashion.
For more information on our offer of experiential courses, download the brochure with augmented reality video content!

CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. has implemented training systems and tools in E-learning mode, developed using techniques capable of reducing complexity, standardizing language and contents, also illustrated through graphic diagrams, with the aid of 2D, 3D and game animations and the support of human, conversational Avatars, adopting AI-NPL solutions.
In particular, the e-learning training offer is structured into:
- online training courses divided by thematic area, consisting of: learning objects, video tutorials, interactive video training pills, AI-Based training micro-pills, narrative branching scenarios, cartoons, 2D/3D animations, mini games, educational video games, training podcasts, etc.;
- virtual learning environments which, created in the form of Educational and/or Infotainment TV Programmes, Interactive Films and Docufilms, Series, Settings in the metaverse become Edutainment tools capable of educating, entertaining and socializing, giving life to personalized learning methods based on people’s needs and requirements;
- training boxes, to update and consolidate the skills connected to specific professional profiles, with a plurality of learning materials organized according to the knowledge to be acquired or consolidated and the skills/capacities to be implemented.
Over the years, CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. has implemented interactive e-learning solutions, capable of making the compression of the thematic learning objects immediate and simplified as well as making learners reflect on the effects of the choices adopted and the behaviours implemented in the context of real or plausible relational, managerial and commercial dynamics.
Watch the video:
CONFORM S.c.a.r.l.’s e-learning solutions are based on the Con4Learn Model, a methodological model registered with the SIAE, with a trademark registered with the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy, whose application allows the design and creation of learning objects consistent with people’s different learning styles, ways and times.

To learn more about the characteristic aspects of the solutions developed,
watch the video tutorials dedicated to:
- For more information on Educational & Infotainment TV Programmes, watch the video:
Consult the dedicated page of the site, with some examples of educational and infotainment TV programmes!
- For more information on Digital Entertainment Book, consult the dedicated page of the site, with some examples based on:
- See an example of a Digital Entertainment Book based on:
CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. ‘s e-learning solutions are supported by a sophisticated skills assessment system, also thanks also to the use of diverse conversational AI solutions with human avatars, based on AI-NPL mechanisms, which allow the analysis of people’s potential and training needs, in order to suggest the use of learning content based on the gap identified following the self-assessment carried out, recommending both listening to training podcasts and accessing dedicated courses hosted on the e-learning platform: conform-educare.it
Look at an example of the application of the system:

The use of CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. ‘s Movie Education methodological model allows you to combine a balanced mix of entertainment and learning, through an approach that is based on the use of film, even in interactive mode, to convey an engaging, captivating story and experiential, technical knowledge, together with creative, communicational, decision-making, negotiation and relational qualities, to stimulate the interest and motivation of learners, encouraging the assimilation of knowledge and the adoption of virtuous behaviours to emulate and errors to avoid.
Watch the Video: MOVIE EDUCATION
To learn more about the methodological aspects of the model, watch the video
The diverse experiments carried out by Movie Education have enabled CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. to aggregate the solutions developed in two distinct areas of application:

The creation of interactive scenarios with narrative branches favours the up-skilling of the competences of workers and the acquisition of skills by the underemployed/unemployed, through the simulation of situations linked to the reference operational fields of each scenario created.
In particular, users can:
- watch the scenes with dialogues between the characters of the story, which form the backdrop to the learning path
- immerse themselves in simulations of professional contexts and relate with the role played and to be enacted
- choose between the different options, which can influence the progress of the story and the score that can be obtained at the end of the experience, thus affecting the positive effects of the behaviours adopted
- receive formative feedback based on the options taken, which provide clarification on the adequacy or otherwise of the choices made
- access further insights in interactive mode, contextualized in relation to the story and preparatory to the various calls to action
- verify their knowledge of the proposed contents through tests and assessment tests
- self-assess their level of possession/exercise of skills, identifying the mistakes to avoid, the virtuous behaviours to emulate and their areas for improvement
The narrative branching scenarios are created by applying the Con4Game methodological model of CONFORM S.c.a.r.l., registered with the SIAE, with a trademark registered with the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy, developed to design training or evaluation video games, consistent with the relevant training path, fusing game design and training conception and planning techniques.

To learn more about the characteristic aspects of the solutions proposed by CONFORM S.c.a.r.l.,
watch the video tutorials about:

“Learning while having fun” is one of the key objectives that CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. is pursuing to ensure that fun and entertainment act as catalysts for knowledge.
In particular, it is able to develop:
- Edugames, to activate learning by doing processes, involving emotional and cognitive aspects that help learners to memorize more effectively, learning to solve complex problems in simulated contexts;
- Minigames, designed to encourage children to approach the world of art, tourism, new technologies, financial and entrepreneurial education;
- Comics, created to lead readers to discover museums, tourist/cultural cities, production/service companies, through a fictional character’s adventures. The events are involving, gripping and entertaining;
- Visual Novels and Graphic Adventures, in which players can make decisions that influence the plot and the ending of the game, choosing what to say or do at the different narrative branches, thanks to which they can reach or not the set goal at the end of the story;
- Board games, designed to enrich the experience of using museums, tourist/cultural cities, production/service companies, offering a tool capable of both combining educational and recreational moments and deepening the knowledge acquired, thanks to additional content in Augmented Reality.
For more information, visit the website pages dedicated to:
- Educational video games : CLICK HERE
- Comics: CLICK HERE
- Board Games: CLICK HERE
For further information, download the brochure dedicated to “EDUCATIONAL VIDEO GAMES”
Watch the Video on EDUGAMES

CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. creates and manages interactive solutions that adopt Holograms, Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), to provide information, training, technical, promotional, etc. content for users, through the use of different devices, customized for the type of client company.
Thanks to the solutions proposed, CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. is able to:
- apply corporate storytelling techniques, integrated with VR and AR solutions, to tell the who, how and why of a product/service, recalling the values of Brand Identity and Brand Image;
- enrich the view observed with additional digital information or complex 3D graphics content;
- capitalize on the company’s assets, conveying stories, values, symbols, products and production processes specific to the relevant Know How;
- promote and valorise cultural heritage, also as a tourism accelerator, allowing emotional experiences to be experienced, transforming cultural usage into a multidimensional adventure.
CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. is dedicating particular attention to the design and development of:
- Apps based on Augmented Reality. To find out more, CLICK HERE
Watch the Video: APP CHALLENGE
- App Challenges based on Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence. To find out more, CLICK HERE
Watch the Video: ANEMAPP
For more information, visit the website page dedicated to:
CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. has created various holographic and augmented experiences through:
- the creation of “Holo-Congress” solutions which, thanks to:
• a web staging platform, in which, using 3D reconstructions of existing rooms and three-dimensional models of furnishing elements or technical equipment, it is possible to set up a virtual location and share it with potential customers in the form of a navigable metaverse;
• a holographic configurator which, using the Hololens 2 device, provides potential customers with an immersive Mixed Reality experience, in which it is possible to set up an empty space by superimposing virtual objects on the real world
allows users to improve the design and setup process of conference spaces and those for cultural, sporting and corporate events, simulating their layout in the digital space according to the realistic dimensions of the place and considering the specific requests formulated by the customer.
Watch the Video: Holo Congress – Web set-up platform and holographic configurator
- the creation of holographic display cases that allow tourists to experience the visit of historical locations in an interactive way and, at the same time, access augmented reality treasure hunts, dedicated to each cultural experience.
For more information, watch the video dedicated to the holographic display case:
• of the Federiciani Museums, with the holographic reproduction of an Ichthyosaur, a fish-reptile ancestor of the dolphin, whose find is preserved in the Museum of Palaeontology.
• of Villa Campolieto, with the holographic reproduction of Luigi Vanvitelli, who, from 1763 to 1773 (the year of his death) directed the construction works of the Villa:
- the creation of settings in the Metaverse to offer a completely immersive virtual meeting and collaboration experience in a shared knowledge space, in which users can move freely through their own Avatar, talk and view the main products developed as part of national and international project initiatives.
For more information, visit the “ANEMA” project portal page, dedicated to:
For more information, download the Brochure dedicated to AR/VR/MR APPS AND SOLUTIONS

CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. can create editorial products capable of conveying additional, interactive and multimedia content, in all traditional areas of publishing, from books to magazines, newspapers, posters, educational products, up to entertainment and advertising.
Augmented Reality Publishing solutions allow us to create:
- “Augmented” advertising spaces, in newspapers, dailies and magazines, to trigger the display of digital content – video, audio or 3D animations – in addition to text through mobile devices (Smartphones and Tablets) and PCs, including appropriate Tags in the printed editorial product AR (similar to QR codes) or using generic image recognition technology (Natural Feature Tracking);
- “Augmented” information content with the possibility of conveying, in addition to traditional content (texts and static images), a vast range of digital content directly within the columns, articles and all kinds of special inserts;
- books with “Augmented” content, to create an immersive reading experience and highly innovative content structures. Application can be foreseen in several areas: children’s books, books for teaching in primary, secondary and high schools, university books, technical books for professionals, use and maintenance manuals, tourist guides.

CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. designs and creates 360° Virtual Tours that reproduce a real place (e.g.: a house, a hotel, a company, a village, a museum, etc.) allowing the user to explore and decide in which direction to look by rotating the perspective up, down, right and left, thus making an immersive and interactive viewing experience.
The 360° interactive experiential tours created by CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. for PC and Mobile, can be used at any time, breaking down spatial and temporal limits, involving visitors thanks to the interactive objects used, which allow them to:
- open an image, customised information card, 3D model, website, etc.
- download a file (doc, pdf, excel, ppt, etc.)
- play audio and/or video (360º video and normal video), etc.
A fascinating “subjective” journey, in which environments, objects of study and itineraries merge into a single communication channel.
Watch the video: VIRTUAL REALITY
To view some examples of interactive 360° virtual tours and 3D virtual environments, visit the dedicated pages:

CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. creates audiovisual and cinematographic productions to promote and communicate corporate brands, narrate events, describe territories, represent and convey values and traditions that can arouse curiosity, be involving, informative and formative on the immense, rich heritage of each Italian region.
In an increasingly dynamic and multimedia society CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. is able to conceive, design and create videos to:
- communicate a company’s history and Vision to customers
- create its identity;
- raise awareness and direct purchasing choices for its products/services.
Furthermore, thanks to the use of new technologies, it creates:
- interactive videos, that allow users to interrupt the viewing of a film due to links, rendered visible by sensitive areas that appear superimposed for a few seconds, so as to decide whether to learn more about the topics proposed, accessing the diverse resources available (e.g.: video, pdf, jpeg/png images, links to portals, audio files, etc.);
- innovative formats of TV programmes, capable of mixing different communication and technological languages and covering the broadest themes.
Watch the Video: FILM
Watch the Video: SERIE
Watch the Video: DOCUFILM
Watch the Video: FORMAT TV
For more information, visit the Conform website page dedicated to Audio-visuals and the “ANEMA” website page dedicated to the “POSTHIT: Tessere di Memoria” Program
For further information, download the Brochure dedicated to AUDIO-VISUAL AND CINEMATIC PRODUCTIONS
For the use of audiovisual and cinematographic products, CONFORM offers its customers an AI-Based “cultural streaming” platform, that can also be customized per project, accessible from the web and from mobile, to view multimedia contents (videos, tours 360°, audio, images, etc.) in a unique and personalized way. In fact, the platform allows users, once registered, to view the multimedia contents recommended by the “recommendation” algorithm, divided by type and in line with their interests. Furthermore, during the use of content provided either free of charge or for a fee, the Artificial Intelligence emotion recognition system will be able to suggest other similar content, potentially capable of generating the same emotions.
To learn more about AI-Based systems, watch the dedicated video tutorial:

CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. promotes the development of a new culture of “virtual” collaboration and the diffusion of “social” behaviours to improve relationships and contribute to company productivity through:
- Social media marketing strategies and campaigns, through an analysis of the competition, the opening of company pages, the choice of tones and style to use in the conversation, the launch, management and monitoring of targeted communication campaigns;
- conception and design of the digital brand identity, adopting techniques and tools to create information and awareness-raising activities;
- dynamic and creative commercials, to inform, promote, enthuse and represent universal values;
- web design, with the design and customization of dynamic websites with layouts optimized for mobile devices (responsive layout) and for search engines (SEO oriented), from a simple blog to the landing page, to the e-commerce site, to the portal of services, to the corporate website, to valorise the company brand identity.

CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. promotes and valorises experiential tourism courses, combining social opportunities among art, culture, food and wine, history and traditions, with educational sessions based on metaphors embodied in places unique for the immense heritage they preserve, an expression of an extraordinary millennial history and of the strength of the contemporaneity of the country of Italy, through evocative industrial brands, style and fashion

Make iT Now is a CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. brand designed to respond to the growing demand for experiential tourism. An exclusive experience, in which the journey is an opportunity for the professional growth for entrepreneurs, managers, employees and professionals, either personally or representing companies and/or public bodies, to be involved in discovering the identity of six Italian cities and their regions.
An innovative learning environment, in which expert tutors, innovative tools and informative apps make the experience unique and unrepeatable, allowing participants to broaden their horizons through the discovery of engaging places, capable of stimulating energy, passion and spirit of aggregation.
Watch the Video: MAKEITNOW
For more information, visit the MAKEITNOW website pages dedicated to:
- Naples: emblem of Problem Solving (CLICK HERE)
- Rome: exaltation of Leadership (CLICK HERE)
- Florence: the art of communication (CLICK HERE)
- Venice: model of resilience, where a threat becomes an opportunity (CLICK HERE)
- Milan: capital of innovation (CLICK HERE)
- Alghero: example of business continuity, to live at the pace of an uncontaminated land (CLICK HERE)

Over the years, CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. has paid particular attention to the theme of valorising the territory, through the search for experiential training models, audio-visual and cinematographic productions, digital marketing and socio-cultural animation actions, the use of new technologies, with Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality solutions, capable of highlighting the immense artistic, archaeological, artisanal, food and wine, industrial, landscape, religious and historical heritage of which every Italian region is rich, with particular reference to Campania and Veneto, where the company has its operational offices.
The effort was to use new technologies to significantly impact the communicative language, resorting to a simple and easier narration of the contents covered by an increasingly wider and more varied audience, thanks to the diffusion of audio-video devices such as smartphones and tablets.
For further information, consult the dedicated page of the CONFORM website where some of the solutions adopted by the Company to promote and valorise the territory are shown!

CONFORM S.c.a.r.l., with its operational headquarters in Padua, is accredited by the Veneto Region to provide employment services to different categories of users, such as:
- people looking for employment;
- workers in a state of mobility, CIG, CIGO, CIGS, ASPI;
- employees engaged in professional retraining actions;
- people looking for training opportunities;
- people facing difficulties in job placement and social inclusion;
- immigrant workers;
- women trying to get back into work.
CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. offers services to encourage the growth and competitive development of companies, supporting them in the development of strategic plans for the evolution of company functions and/or general management, for the organization of the commercial network and production.