The course is aimed at introducing drama and improvisation techniques to the participants to enhance and extend teacher’s communication skills and to provide the teacher with the confidence to use these new skills as methodology in the classroom. The participant will complete this course with a comprehensive variety of engaging and productive activities that are designed to complement learning by encouraging the student with a real desire to listen, speak and write fluently, actively and creatively. This course also provides a large amount of teaching practices throughout.
Objectives and expected results
The course aims to develop teachers’ comprehension of improvisation/ drama methodology for use in the classroom and to enhance the teacher classroom performance and explore effective
professional communication and skills.
The training course is based on a series of modules, which can be adapted to the requirements of the course participants. The emphasis is put on practice and exercises and includes:
- making use of drama in class (overcoming anxiety, confidence-building, binding the group together)
- making most of the right-brain in learning through music, art and imagination
- using the voice and the body to learn intonation and stress, vocabulary, language structures and communication skills
- using drama in integrated teaching skills effectively.
Target audience:
- Teachers, group leaders and trainers of all ages and teaching levels
- any previous experience with drama is not a prerequisite for the trainers in order to attend this course but must be prepared to participate actively in activities.
They must attend with a strong desire to explore the enormous potential drama provides for using creative and imaginative English in the language classroom.
Based on formal, informal and non formal learning, our methodology will try to stimulate active participation, pro-activity, responsibility and sharing of problems and thoughts of all participants involved.
Drama is an active approach to learning where participants identify with roles and situations to be able to engage with, explore and understand the world they live in.
Most teachers nowadays advocate some elements of a ‘Communicative Approach’ and therefore recognise and appreciate the value of drama in classroom. Drama can be defined as activity involving people in a social context and there is no doubt that effective communication in social situations involves other forms of communication that go beyond language competence and includes the use of gesture, body posture, intonation and other prosodic features. However the inclusion of drama based activities is not so evident in current course books, resource books, supplementary materials and teacher training courses. Teachers clearly need practical step by step guidance on how to incorporate drama more comprehensively and cohesively into their teaching.
Course Programme
- Group coordination, dynamics and bonding
- Assessment of needs
- Discussion of drama and its importance for the classroom
- Defining and analysing problems
- Needs and setting goals and project
- Story Telling Activity / PRACTISE
- Trust work and introduction to improvisation
- The body and body language.
- A study of physical communication
- Oral and bodily expression
- Using Rhythm Dance
- Workshop Drama Plays, Rhythm Dance
- Voice and correct breathing
- Teacher status in the classroom and its relevance to teaching
- Classroom management
- Telling storry with puppets , creating a puppet/ bring them different puppets /PRACTISE
- Voice play. Stressing, intonation and pronunciation
- Enacting the tex
- Mock Court (giving a situation like mine- 18 year old girl and her family)
- Using improvisation to inject creativity and imagination into story
- Story creation and dialogue building techniques
- Using photographs in the classroom
- Character study using text
- Ice- breaker and drama
- Continued activities
- Introduction to the“mask” for speaking and role play / creating a mask
- Dividing groups. Work on a short drama play
- Performing the game
- Criticizing and talking about performs
- Feedback, Where as to progress from the course into theclassroom
- Questionnaire about the
training - Review of course.Goodbyes.
490 Euros
7 days Course fee includes:
Course Material
Coffee/tea breaks
The cost can be funded by Erasmus+ programme KA1 mobility of staff.
Venue and Date:
*(We can also make necessary arrangements in dates according to your approval of application.)
Innovative Teaching Methods
The traditional lecture may have ruled auditoriums for decades, but there are new styles of teaching coming through. These newer and more innovative teaching methods are moving away from the
traditional model of lecturing and passive learning towards a greater focus on active learning, where students openly interact with one another and participate in the lecture.
Designing and implementing innovative teaching methods in the classroom course is based on enerjizer, project, role play games, theatre of the oppressed, brainstorming, mind mapping, using ict. effectively etc.
Target groups
Staff in all types of education and training organizations:
- Directors / headmasters
- Teachers / trainers
Learning Outcomes
The course is aimed at using innovative teaching methods: project, energizers, ice breaking, role playing games, drama games, brainstorming, mind mapping, using ict effecively, designing lesson plans etc. And it’s aimed of developing learning content to use in new training methods.
Overall aim is to develop and transfer experiential and innovative teaching methods to the quality of education.
Based on formal, informal and non formal learning, our methodology will try to stimulate active participation, pro-activity, responsibility and sharing of problems and thoughts of all participants involved.
The learning material consists of presentations and support material.
Course Programme
- group coordination, dynamics and bonding
- assessment of needs
- innovative Teaching Methods discussion and their importance for the classroom
- defining and analysing problems
- needs and setting
- goals and Project
- energizing, Ice Breaking games
- role playing games
- presentation of the methods
- classroom management through role playing
- a study of physical communication
- brainstorming activity
- creating a mindmap / PRACTISE (creating a mindmap)
- drama games,
- the body and bodily language.
- most popular Web 2 Tools
- most popular teaching applications (storybird, plicker, Wordcloud)
- using ICT in classroom effectively
- discovering new methods in clasroom
- example lessons by using ICT / PRACTISE
- designing lesson plans
- designing active projects
- project Workshop
- school Visit
- drama Plays
- using Rhythm Dance
workshops Drama Plays, Rhythm Dance / PRACTISE - a study of physical communication
- oral and body expression
- dividing groups
- perform of an example lesson
- criticizing and talking about performances
- feedback, as to progress regarding the course into the classroom
- review of course.Goodbyes.
Each day, the trainees need to be active with practising, creating or designing with the things u taught.
490 Euros
7 days Course fee includes:
Course Material
Coffee/tea breaks
The cost can be funded by Erasmus+ programme KA1 mobility of staff.
Venue and Date:
*(We can also make necessary arrangements in dates according to your approval of application.)
Project Cycle Management
The training course is based on a series of modules, which can be adapted to the needs of the course participants. The emphasis is put on practice and exercises and includes:
- Group work
- Brainstorming
- Questions and answers
- Role plays
- Short presentations
- Develop understanding and skills in Project Cycle Management concepts and practice
- Increase awareness of and strengthen skills in applying participatory methods to project/ programme management.
Target audience:
- Project managers,
- Programme coordinators
- Key staff involved in project management
- Key staff involved in project management
- Teachers of all age groups and branches
- Education professionals, such as Counsellors, Advisers, Inspectors, Career Officers and other professional interested in education and learning.
Based on formal, informal and non formal learning, our methodology will try to stimulate active participation, pro-activity, responsibility and sharing of problems and thoughts of all participants involved.
Course Programme
Introduction to Project Cycle Management
- The steps
- Needs assessment
- The needs assessment concept
- The needs assessment process
- Defining and analysing problems
- Mapping stakeholders
- Dividing group and Work Shops
- Planning a project usıng a logıcal framework as a tool
- Approaches to planning: The Result-Based Management Concept
- The planning process and its link with the needs assessment
- Defining the operational strategy
- Designing the intervention (objectives and assumptions)
- Dividing group and Work Shops
- Programmıng the actıvıtıes and preparıng the management tools
- Defining the work plan: tasks, timing and resources allocation
- Preparing key management tools
- Dividing group and Work Shops
- Planning the budget
- Describing budget items
- Preparing budget
- Dividing group and Work Shops
- Monitoring
- Definitions
- Types of monitoring
- When and how to conduct an activity monitoring
- When and how to conduct a situation monitoring
- Dividing group and Work Shops
- Evaluation
- When and how to do an internal evaluation
- How to contribute to an external evaluation
- Dividing group and Work Shops
- Dissemination
- Dividing group and Work Shops
- Dissemination principles of project: techniques and tools
- Closure, and analysis of proposals made by participants
- Course Evaluation
490 Euros
7 days Course fee includes:
Course Material
Coffee/tea breaks
The cost can be funded by Erasmus+ programme KA1 mobility of staff.
Venue and Date:
*(We can also make necessary arrangements in dates according to your approval of application.)
Using ICT in Schools
ICT provision and use in European schools is improving. The training course is based on the use of ICT and ICT learning-based activities in classrooms. ICT in Education line out how despite having access and positive attitudes towards implementing ICT into their teaching and learning, teachers often find this difficult and require on-going support – not only technical but also pedagogical.
Enhancing digital integration in learning and teaching supporting ICT-based teaching, as well as ICT-based assessment practices. In particular, supporting teachers and educational staff in acquiring or improving the use of ICT for learning and related digital competences; supporting digital integration in learning to reach audiences; exploring the potential of learning analytics and crowd-assessment to increase the quality of learning.
On-site seminars are developed with informal training and based on discussions and presentations of best practices in schools and practical use of ICT tools.
Target audience:
- Project managers
- Programme coordinators
- Key staff involved in project management
- Managers supervising project planning and implementation
- Teachers of all age groups and specialities
- Education professionals, such as Counsellors, Advisers, Inspectors, Career Officers and other professional interested in educationand learning.
Based on formal, informal and non formal learning, our methodology will try to stimulate active participation, pro-activity, responsibility and sharing of problems and thoughts of all participants involved.
Course Programme
Using ICT in Schools:
- Introductory meeting, explanation of practical arrangements,
- Presentation of timetable, information about course venue.
- Introduction to Web2 toolsDAY 2
- Animation and Comic Strips
- Audio Editing Tools
- Useful Applications ( Plickers / Word Cloud )
- Creating a digital story with STORYBIRD APP
- Bookmarking and Online Collaboration
- Blogging
- Introduction to Web2 tools
- Desktop Publishing Tools
- Games, Quizzes and Educational Activities
- Language Learning Tools
- Instructional Videos and Video Sharing
- Introduction to Web2 tools
- Mind Mapping
- Online Storage and Sharing
- Other Stuff
- Photo Editing Tools
- Presentation Tools and Slideshows
- Social Networking
- Surveys and Polls
- Tag (Word) Clouds Timelines
- Video Editing Tools
- Monitoring
- Definitions
- Types of monitoring
- When and how to conduct an activity monitoring
- When and how to conduct a situation monitoring
- Evaluation
- When and how to do an internal evaluation
- How to contribute to an external evaluation
- Dissemination
- Dissemination principles of the tools: techniques tools
- Closure, and analysis of proposals made by participants
- Course Evaluation (QUESTIONNAIRE)
490 Euros
7 days Course fee includes:
Course Material
Coffee/tea breaks
The cost can be funded by Erasmus+ programme KA1 mobility of staff.
Venue and Date:
*(We can also make necessary arrangements in dates according to your approval of application.)