Fòrema S.c.a.r.l. - Formazione per lo sviluppo d'Impresa
Fòrema, founded in 1990, is a limited liability consortium that evolved from the “Consorzio Formazione Professionale”, a training organization established in 1983 within the framework of the Industrial Association of the Province of Padua. The fundamental mission of Fòrema is to support the growth and competitiveness of local companies by developing people’s skills. To this end, in line with Confindustria Padova’s policies and attentive to its stakeholders’ needs, Fòrema implements a wide range of projects and training activities and provides assistance and counseling services to businesses and individuals.
Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II"
The founding of the Federico II University of Naples goes back to the generalis lictera of the Swabian Emperor of 5th June 1224. A new Statute will come into force in the 2013/2014 academic year and the University will consist of 4 schools and 26 departments and the faculties will disappear. Today it is divided into 3 Poles, 13 faculties (Agriculture, Architecture, Economics, Pharmacy, Law, Engineering, Humanities, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnological Sciences, Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, Political Science and Sociology), 77 departments, 42 research and service centers, 2 Botanical Gardens.
The University has 108 libraries, one of which is telematic, and 12,000 computer stations. Today, training offered includes 147 degree courses, 82 Master programs, 26 Doctorate Schools, 77 Specialist Schools and 69 specialization courses.
Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa
The Suor Orsola Benincasa University, with its 3 Faculties – Faculty of Educational Sciences, Arts Faculty and Law Faculty – offers seven bachelor degree programmes (Education, Communication Studies, Social Work Sciences and cognitive Psychology Techniques, Conservation of the cultural Heritage, modern Languages and Cultures, Tourism for cultural heritage) seven degree programmes (pedagogical Sciences, Entrepreneurship and creativity for the cinema, theater and television, public and business communication, administrative planning, Archaeology and History of Art, modern Languages for communication and international cooperation), two five-year single-cycle degree courses (Primary Education Science and Law). Each degree programme has some peculiarities in the regional educational context due either to the uniqueness of the course or to its particular specialization.
Training is also provided in three post-graduate specialist schools and in numerous specialization seminars, courses, masters, PhDs. In addition, as of the 2006/07 academic year there, have been e-learning courses based on the skills developed during years of experimentation with innovative teaching methods.
Training is integrated with both the intense cultural activity that historically characterizes the University, that has always played a central role in the cultural development of the territory, and with research activity carried out in the twelve laboratories/research centers and CRIE (Research Centre on European Institutions) and SESA (European School of Advanced Studies) centers of excellence.
In this sense, the University Suor Orsola Benincasa has sought to exploit and interpret its scientific and cultural heritage in the light of contemporary challenges, re-interpreting, therefore, its role and its responsibilities in terms of openness and support for innovation. It has made efforts to re-organize policies and modernize five locations fully respecting tradition and attentive to individuals and the community. It has implemented policies to interact with the land and with the world of work with strong integration between theoretical and practical training with workshops, training courses and curricular internships.
Università degli Studi di Salerno
The University of Salerno, deeply rooted in the history of the South of Italy, and with a historical legacy as important as the Salerno Medical School, is strongly committed to intercultural promotion, expressing points of excellence recognized at Ministerial level for the quality and quantity of Socrates/Erasmus student mobility projects.
Ten faculties, sixty degree courses in addition to the Master and graduate schools to train professionals to be active in the changing labour market.
Career guidance activities are very important (initial, interim and post university) that offer students the opportunity to seize educational opportunities outside traditional teaching: internships and placements in companies are a central part of its students’ education.
The University of Salerno is home to research groups working in the particularly rich and varied area of scientific-disciplinary sectors. It participates in many of the most important national and international research programmes. The University is also active in technology transfer and application development of scientific research results.
Alba Leasing SpA
A company specialized in leasing, created by some of the most solid and reliable Italian credit companies: Banca Popolare dell’Emilia Romagna, Banco Popolare, Banca Popolare di Sondrio and Banca Popolare di Milano.
It is the youngest, but also one of the most experienced, leasing companies in the country.
Its products are distributed primarily through banks using both its large network consisting of 3,800 branches and also the distribution network of other important Popular Banks in the country. It can count on nearly 4,400 bank branches to offer its products to all small and medium-sized Italian companies.
Amicucci Formazione
Amicucci Formazione is a company specializing in the development of catalogue and ad hoc multimedia solutions to innovate training and internal communication.
Founded in 2000, by Franco Amicucci, the company is recognized as one of the most important and dynamic national organizations of enterprise innovation and as a leader of multimedia learning, with about 160 clients. This includes 50 multinational corporations and 60 of the top 500 Italian public and private organizations.
Amicucci Formazione designs training programmes and integrated systems to disseminate knowledge and manage staff development, improve organizational behaviour and technical training, vehicle standards, identity and values of large companies, institutions, SMEs and associations.
Intesa San Paolo Formazione
Intesa Sanpaolo Education, a joint venture corporation, is the non-profit Training Agency of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group.
Its mission is to create educational projects for customers of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, regardless of the economic sector.
Intesa Sanpaolo Formazione assists customers of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group to grow, helping them to face challenges concerning: generational change, internal management development, internationalization, innovation.
In addition, it carries out applied research on training and consulting to develop and guide people.
Intesa Sanpaolo Formazione offers its customers three types of services:
- Planning, organization and delivery of classroom and/or distance training both nationally and internationally, at corporate or inter-corporate level, interacting with the main Trade Unions.
- Find sources to fund training activities
- Technical assistance for the use, management, administration and accounting of funds to support training.
Banco di Napoli
The Banco di Napoli collects deposits from the public and provides various forms of credit. The company, in compliance with the provisions in force, can undertake all operations and banking and financial services as well as any other transaction-related or otherwise linked to the achievement of its social goals.
Federazione Campana delle Banche di Credito Cooperativo
The Federazione Campana delle Banche di Credito Cooperativo is a cooperative that brings together the 21 Cooperative Credit Banks of Campania, in addition to three Shareholdings in other companies (Ghenos Consultant, Si Campania, Ente di formazione Rosario Pingaro), expression of the mission of the Campania Credit Cooperatives. Federcampana is one of 15 local federations that make up the structure of the National Federation of Cooperative Banks
The company undertakes the following activities:
- Representation and promotion activities;
- Assistance and consultancy activities;
- Assessment and revision activities;
- Computer science activities;
- Other economic activities of an auxiliary nature deemed relevant to the consortium.
Equitalia Polis S.p.A.
Equitalia Polis is a limited liability company that collects national taxes. The aim of the company is to help achieve greater tax fairness, boosting effectiveness of recovery, by reducing costs borne by the State and improving relationships with taxpayers.
MOMA carries out research and development, industrialization and commercialization of advanced products and services in the ICT sector, with a particular focus in Knowledge & Learning and Collaboration. MOMA relies on the combination of “strength of technological know-how – absolute attitude to personalize offer” and works to use information and communication technologies to create knowledge (knowledge-oriented), rather than simply acquiring information. It supports specific pedagogical models to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the learning process.
MOMA provides cutting-edge, innovative software solutions to manage the learning process (Learning Technology) and to manage skills in the market segments currently not covered by the competition. It aims at a broad and differentiated target, from complex organizations to individual operators. It works as a national and international reference entity for SMEs, public and private bodies that want to invest in innovative and highly competitive research projects.
As regards Learning and Knowledge, the main Research and Operation lines are:
- Customization of training in terms of objectives, background, cognitive status, behaviour and user preferences
- Access to high-level knowledge through natural language queries
- Knowledge Management: Discovery, extraction, performance management and sharing of tacit and explicit knowledge in the business field
- Management skills in a business setting: automatic composition of the project team, gap analysis with respect to educational goals or skills to be acquired, evaluation through key performance indicators
- Personal Environment facilitates the management of activities and processes and their sharing and automatic correlation, using the most popular ontological schemes
- Techniques for Simulation and learning collaboration: game – based learning, serious games, Communities.
ALI Aerospace Laboratory for Innovative components
The company aims to promote research, development, manufacturing and marketing of all products of the consortium companies as well as activity and/or production/direct marketing in ICT, telecommunications and aerospace industries.
A.S.A.I. - Confartigianato Avellino
Confartigianato Avellino, is free from political influence, autonomous, independent and non-profit. It proposes:
- to identify, express, represent and protect the interests of local craft in every field and to promote provincial, economic, social and technical development, representing it also as regards administrations, public authorities and other local organizations;
- to coordinate and assist category grouping activities;
- to study and solve issues concerning the regulation of provincial work relations of trade unions that associated companies belong to, in accordance with directives issued by the Confederazione Generale Italiana dell’Artigianato (General Italian Craft Confederation);
- to foster collaboration between Union companies and to make provincial agreements to settle collective, economic relations that concern the categories represented, as well as, in agreement with other production categories, to improve production and placement;
- to study and solve, at provincial level, technical, professional and economic problems for the categories it represents;
- to promote and implement any initiative that aims to assist Members in complying with managing their businesses, including establishing appropriate controlled and subsidiary companies, as an integral part of the system;
- to promote, manage and assist in delivery of training programmess and/or refresher courses for business owners and partners as well as for the unemployed.
CRdC - Nuove Tecnologie per le Attività Produttive S.c.a.r.l.
CRdC Technologies S.c.a.r.l. is a research, technology transfer and training consortium, whose shareholders are 5 universities in the region, the National Research Council (CNR) and the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN). The company has participated and is still involved as a partner in dozens of projects submitted and funded in the framework of national calls (PON, Ministry of Education, Industry 2015, PON MSE, etc).
Tecnologica S.r.l.
Wholesale of electronic, computer hardware and software equipment, technical support services and maintenance, creation of custom software and technical support and maintenance.Wholesale of electronic, computer hardware and software equipment, technical support services and maintenance, creation of custom software and technical support and maintenance.
Project & Planning S.r.l.
Project & Planning S.r.l, a management and organizational consulting company has been operating since 1997 in the areas of strategic planning, organizational analysis, management control, strategic and operational marketing and internationalization.
Project & Planning is characterized as a knowledge company that in partnership with its customers and suppliers, carries out innovative organizational and management projects. Through a network of qualified business partners it creates an integrated group of companies with a wide range of vertical expertise able to organize and manage the entire value chain with a unified and coherent approach.
Activities range from support to identification and definition of business strategies, construction of routes to implement decisions, definition of a business plan aiming to create “added value” by managing re-engineering of internal, organizational processes.
MATER is a non-profit members consortium founded in 1996. The company relies on a network of qualified scientific research, socio-economic, information, training and advisory services sector professionals for companies and Public Administrations.
MATER, thanks to a network of more than 200 national and international partners, provides operational and strategic support, assistance to the Public sector and is able to respond with integrated, specialist services to the real needs of companies, businesses, entrepreneurs and economic staff working on expansion, development and industrial commercial and economic competitiveness in the national and international market.
Glogal Service for Enterprises Srl
Global Service for Enterprises was founded in 2001 by a group of professionals, inheriting an intellectual legacy of a decade consisting of projects and consulting activities dedicated to a vast market of users and to public and private companies. Accredited and certified for higher education and continuing education activities, over the years, it has gained significant experience in the field of training and consulting services to different types of companies in different sectors.
Global Service for Enterprises provides targeted consulting services and specific financed and self-financed training, organizational services, social and market research, marketing and creation and organization of events.
Ergon srl
Ergon Srl is a management consulting and training company that proposes the creation of effective, innovative governance models adapted to business contexts. The main areas of intervention are: organization and certification systems, mandatory security, strategic business management, agribusiness, marketing and communications.
Courses are held directly and are co-financed by Interprofessional Funds.
Ergon Ltd. operates nationally in 4 main areas, has accreditations and certified training locations according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2008.
Erima Srl
Erima Srl, a subsidiary of Ergon, was founded in 2012 on the initiative of some managers with more than ten years experience in training, organization, research and business management acquired in multinational, industrial groups or established consulting firms. Erima Srl operates in the vocational training field, scientific research and management consulting for all types of businesses in the territory.
The Mission of the company is to provide innovative services for competitive development and business improvement.
ITC Cavanis
The Cavanis “Collegio Canova” Institute is a complete, innovative school that provides courses approved by decree of the Ministry of Education, which includes the following schools: Primary, Middle, High School, Science and Technological High School, Language High School, Technical and Commercial Institute, Industrial Technical Institute, Professional (Tourism, Social, Business Economic) Institutes.
ITC Malignani
The “Malignani” Institute is a promoter of continuous improvement in training, always in step with the times: the Institute has always had the energy and enthusiasm required to accept the challenges of the future and to confidently face changes, often anticipating them, in particular in its relationship with the most dynamic organizations of the territory and in tune with the reality of educational excellence across Europe, China and overseas.
ITIS Guglielmo Marconi
The “Guglielmo Marconi” State Industrial Technical Institute of Padua currently provides education that is divided into a two-year common preparatory course and in a three-year period divided into three areas:
- Electronics and Automation
- Mechanics
- Heat engineering
The School has a number of laboratories, manufacturing departments and special classrooms. The school has 200 processors in all. The school has three Internet connections, satellite connection, wifi and intranet connection.
IT Euganeo
The “Euganeo” Technical Institute, taking into account the objectives of technical and scientific education, the evolution of the world of work, students’ and parents’ expectations and the human and material resources at its disposal, is an autonomous, social subject of technical and scientific education, that valorizes its specificity. The purpose of the institute is to help young people leaving school to become adults with two specific features:
- Measurable, spendable competence in vocational training and/or post university training and/or degree;
- A vast, civil and responsible way of looking at the world.
Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Statale "G. Carli"
The identity of the “G.Carli” Technical, Commercial Institute is marked by a solid cultural base in science and technology in line with European Union guidelines. The training programmes provided are divided into general education and in a guidance area (Business Economics and Law)
Over the years, the Institute has been the recipient of various project activities funded by European and regional funds.
Istituto Statale "Gregorio Ronca"
The institute has delivered courses on “Business and Financial Advisors” in the following academic years:
- 2005/2006
- 2006/2007
- 2007/2008
To train a professional with technical knowledge and expertise not only in the legal and economic fields, but also in the commercial sector and in the field of financial intermediation sector that for a long time has been neglected, but today is booming.
Traditional disciplines have been accompanied by the following courses:
- Planning and control
- Psychology and communication technology
- Marketing
- Finance and economics of financial markets
- Economics and management of commercial enterprises
- Public Economics and Financial Law
- Commercial and industrial Law
Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore " Adriano Tilgher"
The vocational profile trained in economic law foresees achieving specific skills in the field of national and international macro-economic fields, civil and fiscal law, business systems, marketing tools, insurance-financial and social economy products. He/she is able to read, write, interpret business accounting and financial documents, using management – financial technology and computer programs. In addition, over the years, the Institute has run post-diploma and regional IFTS courses.
Italia Forma
IF ITALIA FORMA S.r.l. works in the field of consulting and system design to develop work and professional resources. It specializes in the development of methodologies to “capture” know-how, its formalization and the production of vocational manuals, design and manage systems and training programmes to develop the skills needed to boost economic, social and cultural development of enterprises, institutions and people.
The mission of IF-ITALIA FORMA is to methodologically support public and private organizations that want to:
- qualify the offer of services to develop skills in training policies;
- classify matching services between demand and supply of skills for labour policies.