Circular Economy applied to FABULA Project Framework

The “FABULA CPlus: Circular Economy applied to FABULA Project Framework” project builds on the Good Practice implemented by the project “F.A.BU.L. A- Financial And Business Learning Activities Game”, which exploited the logic of edutainment, i.e. educating while having fun, to involve, motivate and enthuse primary school children in entrepreneurship and financial literacy, broadens its scope and range of action, experimenting with innovative forms of interactive teaching, gamified and laboratory-based to develop in the pupils of classes IV and V of the Primary Schools of Italy, Spain and Greece an awareness, a knowledge and an ability to assume behaviours oriented towards the circular economy, experimenting and producing, at the same time, new creative and inventive ideas for an early entrepreneurial vision in the field of reuse and recycling of resources and materials.

This aim will be achieved through:
- 1. the realisation of Open Educational Resources in the form of virtual tours to allow pupils to make an immersive and interactive visit to some symbolic locations of their everyday life (home, park, school, etc.) to accompany them to an early cultural leap to face with full awareness the challenge of the circular model, moving from the concept of disvalue inherent in waste to that of value, and thus learn the transformation process of each single material they will encounter along the virtual path.
- 2. the design and implementation of the CIRCLE Game: Circular Learning Evaluation Game to train the target skills and assess the achievement of the learning outcomes
- 3. the design of the methodological manual of Circular Creativity Labs for Entrepreneurship – CiCLE to enable teachers to conduct teaching workshops to develop the creativity, inventiveness and entrepreneurship of young learners to give waste a “second life”, transforming it into something artistically and entrepreneurially new
- 4. methodological alignment of a pool of teachers from the partnership through transnational mobility on the “CiCLE” model.
Not available now
Programme: ERASMUS+ Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnership in the field of School
Project Title: FABULA C-Plus – Circular Economy applied to FABULA Project Framework
Code: 2020-1-IT02-KA201-079244
- Istituto Suor Orsola Benincasa – Italy
- Colegio Caude – Spain
- 102 Dimotiko Scholeio Athinon – Greece
- CONFORM – Italia
- Formación y Education Integral (FEI) – Spain
- AKMI – Greece
- Regione Campania – Assessorato all’Istruzione, Politiche Giovanili e Sociali – Italy
Further information will be available soon