As part of the awareness raising activities and dissemination of results of the project “Costituzione di un Centro Sperimentale di Sviluppo delle Competenze del Settore Finanziario – Assicurativo” (Experimental Center for Skills Development for the Financial – Insurance Sector) the film “Double Track” was made, following the production of nine short films made with the three editions of the course “Commercial Bank activities clerk”, scripted and interpreted by the course students.
The Film is part of the highly innovative actions that CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. and Intesa Sanpaolo Training S.c.p.a. have piloted during the project to encourage the diffusion of educational solutions fruit of advanced national and European models applied by the two partner companies in their respective experiences and different respective contexts.
The plot unfolds from the purpose for which it was designed: to talk about the financial world, glancing at everyday life.
It is not a documentary, but a plausible story of current events, that can shine the spotlight on a model of bank able to take into account the human dimension.
The title “Double Track” wants to summarize the dynamics of the story: parallel lives that run side by side and, although different, reach the same destination, especially when the protagonists discover that they share the same important values, such as friendship, a sense of professional ethics and social responsibility.