The YEBE – Youth for Entrepreneurship and Business Ethics project aims to implement an innovative program of non-formal education, to complete university studies, training programs and other educational activities for young people at the beginning of their professional career, aims to prepare and encourage young people in the development of entrepreneurship and active, responsible citizenship and to integrate a new model of ethical leadership in business.
Strengthening young people’s entrepreneurial skills, creativity and communication skills will increase their opportunities to actively participate in all spheres of society and the economy, and to take responsibility and become qualified as leaders of the future and agents of a ”social economy market”.
The activities carried out during the project will also help to integrate more and more non-formal and formal learning on entrepreneurship, stimulating and enhancing the propensity of young people to self-employment and entrepreneurship. These can be considered good opportunities for professional and personal fulfilment, generating returns and significant impact in terms of increase in the number of young companies with strong social responsibility and ethics when doing business.
In addition, the process of transnational cooperation between partners will promote opportunities for mobility, comparison, exchange and sharing of ideas, experiences and projects among the young European project beneficiaries.

Erasmus + KA2 Strategic Partnerships for Youth, codice n. 2015-3-DE04-KA205-013236
- Bund Katholischer Unternehmer (DE) (soggetto capofila)
- Center for Corporate Citizenship e.V. (DE)
- UCID – Unione Cristiana Imprenditori e Dirigenti (IT)
- CONFORM Consulenza Formazione e Management S.C.A.R.L (IT)
- Keresztény Ertekmegorzo Egyesület (HU)
- Napra Forgó Rehabilitációs Szolgáltató Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. (HU)
- Zdruzenje krscanskih poslovnezev Slovenije (Slovenia)
- Socialna akademija – zavod za izobrazevanje, raziskovanje in kulturo (SI)