Consortium for Enterprise Outreach (CEO)
Consortium for Enterprise Outreach (CEO)

The Consortium for Enterprise Outreach (CEO) project aims to teach the enterprise and self-employment process to 20 disabled entrepreneurs and their carers in the UK, Latvia and Italy.
The CEO project offers an online training programme to teach small business owners how to promote their business. The Consortium partnership aims to support learning situations where both the disabled person and his/her carer may belong to the same family and want to set up a business together.
The CEO programme is a university accredited education programme. The course contents are not traditional subjects or tasks, but are business papers, such as business plans and budget forecasts.
The programme is an expression of the international partnership with material developed and adapted to the business environment in the UK, Italy and Latvia and is available in all partnership languages.
Promoted by Business Boffins Ltd for the Leonardo da Vinci, Pilot Projects, Programme, Pilot Projects, I.D code: UK/05/B/F/PP -162_360
- Business Boffins Ltd (UK)
- Conform-Consorzio Formazione Manageriale (IT)
- Apeirons (LV)