Sales Management and Relationships for Trade

The SMART – Sales Management and Relationships for Trade project will develop, test and validate and promote a 20 ECTS credit course based on a balanced mixture of classroom, e-learning, game-based learning and WBL, embedded in the current educational offer of 4 HEIs in 4 Countries, which will be promoted and maintained for at least three years after the end of funding. During the project at least 80 students (20 per country) will be directly involved in the course.

Concrete results are:
- the design and adoption of a new university learning curriculum, centred on international sales management in the agri-food sector
- the development of interactive video pills, which can be freely accessed online for at least two years after project end, and of the PlaS – Play to Sale game in episodes as an interactive recreational-educational Knowledge hub, to develop and evaluate skills to manage business processes and increase volumes of sale of SMEs in the agrifood sector
- the involvement of a group of 80 students (20 per country) in testing the training course
- the achievement by the partnership trainers, following the mobility, of a methodological alignment with the teaching techniques to develop instructional design and game-based SMART solutions
Not available now
Programme: ERASMUS+ Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnership in the field of Higher education
Project Title: SMaRT – Sales Management and Relationships for Trade
Code: 2020-1-ES01-KA203-082116
- Universidad Rovira I Virgili – URV (Spain)
- Università Politecnica delle Marche – UNIVPM (Italy)
- UNIVERZA Primorska del Litoriale (Slovenia)
- Wielkopolska Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Polond)
- Cámara de Comercio Italiana – Barcelona (Spain)
- CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. (Italy)
Further information will be available soon